The story “The Rattrap” is about a rattrap-selling vagabond who steals thirty kronors from an old crofter and takes refuge in a iron mill. The owner of the iron mill mistakes him for an old acquaintance and invites him spend Christmas Eve with them. They feed him and let him sleep peacefully. The Rattrap Solved… Continue reading The Rattrap Class 12 CBSE Question and Answers: 2022
“The Tiger King” is a story about the brave Maharaja of Pratibandapuram who was also known as the Tiger King. It was predicted that he will become the greatest warrior of all time ut he will eventually be killed by a tiger. The King had successfully killed ninety-nine tigers but he was asked to be… Continue reading The Tiger King Class 12 CBSE Question and Answer: 2022
This story traces the beginning of the Civil Disobedience against the British authority in India. According to an agreement, the peasants in Muzzafarpur were supposed to grow Indigo in 15 percent of their land. A peasant named Rajkumar Shukla got Gandhi involved in this matter, who in turn negotiated terms with the British officials and… Continue reading Indigo Class 12 Questions and Answers: 2022
Going Places Solved Question and Answer Short Questions and Answers Why did Sophie say after returning from the school that Jansie ‘looked doubtful’? On their way to return from school, Sophie and Jansie considered the option of opening up a boutique. But Jansie looked doubtful because she knew it would take lot of money to… Continue reading Going Places Class 12 CBSE Question and Answer: 2022
The story, “Deep Waters” is about how the writer overcame his fear of water and learned swimming. When he was three or four years old the writer had gone to the beach in California with his father. The waves the beach knocked him down and he went underwater. The experience bred a permanent fear of… Continue reading Deep Water Class 12 CBSE Question and Answers: 2022
Annotations of The Rime of the Ancient Mariner: In the first stanza, it is seen that three young men are walking together to a wedding when one of them is arrested by a whined old sailor. The young Wedding-Guest angrily demands that the Mariner let go of him, and the Mariner submits. But the young man… Continue reading Meaning and Solved Questions of The Rime of the Ancient Mariner: 2022
Solved Questions of The Inchcape Rock: 1. What is “Inchcape Rock”? The ‘Inchcape Rock’ is a perilous reef off the east coast of Angus Scotland near the mouth of the river Tay. The rock would just protrude for a few inches above the surface of the sea in low tide and be completely covered by… Continue reading Solved Questions of The Inchcape Rock by Robert Southey: 2022
Solved Questions of Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers: 1. What is the poet’s concept of marriage? According to the poet, Marriage is unequal due to male domination and inequality. The woman at the center of the poem, Aunt Jennifer, is an anxious and fearful wife. She lacks inner conviction or certainty, unlike the tigers she portrays. Aunt Jennifer… Continue reading Solved Question of Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers by Adrienne Rich: 2022
Solved Questions of A Thing of Beauty: 1. How is a thing of beauty a joy forever? A thing is said to be a ‘thing of beauty,’ for the reason that it is a source of joy forever. When we think of it we should be happy and in its absence too, it should fill… Continue reading Solved Questions of A Thing of Beauty by Keats: 2022
Q1: Find, in the first stanza, three things that cannot happen in a treeless forest. A: The three things that cannot happen in a treeless forest are the setting of a bird on trees, the hiding of insects and the sun burying its feet in the shadow of the forest. Q2: What picture do these… Continue reading Solved Short Questions of The Trees by Adrienne Rich: 2022