“One Thousand Dollars” is a short story by master American short story writer O. Henry, most famous for his work “The Gift of the Magi,” a Christmas story commonly dramatized during the holidays. “One Thousand Dollars” concerns a carefree young man and a surprise inheritance. The story contains O. Henry’s signatures of witty dialogue and… Continue reading One Thousand Dollars Summary by O.Henry: 2022
Geography Lessons: Solved short questions and answers: Here we have added some solved short and long questions related to the poem Geography Lessons by Zulfikar Ghose. Please go through the solved question before the exam to give you a better idea of the poem. We hope the following solved answers will help you prepare well for the exam… Continue reading Geography Lessons: NCERT Solved Question and Answers: 2022
Solved Short Questions and Answers : Here we have added some solved short and long questions related to the poem The Laburnum Top. Please go through the solved question before exam to give you a better idea of the poem. We hope these solved answers will be helpful to prepare you well for the exams. What… Continue reading The Laburnum Top : NCERT Question and Answers: 2022
Solved Short Questions and Answers: Here we have added some solved short and long questions related to the poem When I Set Out for Lyonnesse by Thomas Hardy. Please go through the solved question before exam to give you a better idea of the poem. We hope the following solved answers will help you prepare well… Continue reading When I Set Out for Lyonnesse NCERT Question Answers: 2022
NCERT Solved Short Questions and Answers: Here we have added some solved short and long questions related to the poem Fire and Ice. Please go through the solved question before exam to give you a better idea of the poem. What are the two popular views in the society regarding the destruction of the world?… Continue reading Fire and Ice NCERT Question Answers: 2022
The Ant and the Cricket is a fable in poetic form. Here we have listed the common NCERT solutions for this poem and some long type solved questions which can give you a comprehensive grasp of the poem The Ant and the Cricket. Also, do check out Beamingnotes for more NCERT solutions. Solved Short Questions… Continue reading The Ant and the Cricket NCERT Solutions- Solved Questions: 2022
“The Last Bargain” by Tagore is a sixteen lines poem composed in blank verse conveying a strong message well needed for the materialistic world that no power, money or lust can make us happy. Simplicity and innocence are the most supreme of all. The Last Bargain solved question answers are shared below. Solved Short Questions… Continue reading The Last Bargain Question Answers and NCERT Solutions: 2022
Pam Ayres was born on 14th March 1947 at Berkshire, England. She is an English poet, songwriter, comedian, radio and television presenter. In “Oh, I Wish I’d Looked After Me Teeth”, the poet Pam Ayres expresses her anguish over her decayed teeth and cavities. She regrets over the fact that she kept on eating both… Continue reading Summary and Analysis of Oh I Wish I’d Looked After Me Teeth by Pam Ayres
Thomas Campbell (1777-1844) is remarkable for his sentimental poetry. Most of his poems deal with common human problems. Poem in Brief: “Lord Ullin’s Daughter” is a ballad which tells the tragic story of the daughter of Lord Ullin and her lover who die a very sorrowful death when chased by her father and his men.… Continue reading Summary and Solved Questions of Lord Ullin’s Daughter by Thomas Campbell
The narrator comes across a soldier who was sitting under a tree, peacefully. As the narrator walks towards him, the soldier summons him. The narrator sees a number of soldiers lying dead, who had fought a long and difficult battle throughout the night and had died in the battle. The young soldier was smiling at its… Continue reading Describe briefly the experience of the narrator on the battlefield and what he realizes in the end.