NCERT Solved Short Questions and Answers: Here we have added some solved short and long questions related to the poem Fire and Ice. Please go through the solved question before exam to give you a better idea of the poem. What are the two popular views in the society regarding the destruction of the world?… Continue reading Fire and Ice NCERT Question Answers: 2022
About the Poet: William Shakespeare who was born on April 23, 1564; in Stratford-upon-Avon was an English poet, playwright, and actor, extensively looked upon as the supreme writer in the English language and the world’s outstanding dramatist. He is often called national poet of England and the “Bard of Avon”. His existing works, including some group effort, consist of about 38 plays, 154 sonnets,… Continue reading Not Marble Nor the Gilded Monuments Meaning by William Shakespeare: 2022
Themes of the Poem: American haiku: Carl Sandburg’s “Fog” is not a traditional haiku, as it extends the length of the haiku from 3 lines to 6 lines. However, it does bear remarkable similarities with the American form of the haiku, as used by such poets as Ezra Pond in “In a Station of the… Continue reading Fog by Carl Sandburg Theme: 2022
Setting of the poem: This poem seems to be set at a place from which one can get a panoramic view of both the city of Chicago and its harbour. Going by the poet’s words, that place is Grant Park. From there, one can easily get a full perspective of the entire area covered by the… Continue reading Fog by Carl Sandburg Analysis: 2022
About the poet: Carl Sandburg was born on 6th January 1878. His parents, August and Clara Johnson, had emigrated from Sweden. After encountering several August Johnsons in his job for the railroad, Sandburg’s father renamed the family. For thirty years Sandburg collected material to write his six-volume definitive biography of Abraham Lincoln. The 1920s also saw… Continue reading Fog by Carl Sandburg Summary: 2022
Theme of Fire and Ice by Robert Frost Global warming: Frost’s theory about the destruction of earth by fire, if taken literally, bears many similarities with the currently prevalent theory about global warming. Environmentalists say that the earth is going through a process of heating because of which atmospheric temperatures are rising steadily every year.… Continue reading Theme of Fire and Ice by Robert Frost: 2022
Setting of the poem Fire and Ice This poem is set in the time of apocalypse or the end of the world. The poet here speculates on what might cause such an event to happen. However, the sense of immediacy in the poem leads readers to believe that the poet sees the apocalypse looming on… Continue reading Fire and Ice by Robert Frost Analysis: 2022
About the poet: Robert Frost was born on 26th March 1874, in San Francisco. Frost and his wife Elinor Miriam moved to England in 1912, after they tried and failed at farming in New Hampshire. It was here that Frost met and was influenced by such contemporary British poets as Edward Thomas, Rupert Brooke, and Robert Graves. Frost’s… Continue reading Fire and Ice by Robert Frost Summary: 2022
Have you encountered a snake near your home? What was your immediate reaction? The frightening experience of confronting a snake is beautifully described in D. H Lawrence’s poem, “Snake.” D. H Lawrence personifies a ‘snake’ in his poem, “Snake” with a certain charm. The poem is modern and the natural undertones in the poem fascinate… Continue reading Summary and Analysis of Snake by D.H Lawrence
Samuel Taylor Coleridge was an English poet, critic and a philosopher. He was born on October 21st at Ottery St. Mary, Devonshire. Coleridge is best known for his three great romantic poems: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Kubla Khan and Christabel. ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’ is structured into balladic stanzas which is… Continue reading Summary and Analysis of The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge