In the Bazaars of Hyderabad Solved Question and Answers- Sarojini Naidu is a poet of Indian thought and culture and her poems described Indian flora and fauna, Indian customs and traditions, festivals, men and women, places legends of kings and queens etc. In her poem, In The Bazaars of Hyderabad, she has sketched the image of a typical Indian bazaar in Hyderabad.
The general style of the poem is in the form of question and answers. Each stanza begins with a question and ends with an answer. The poet enquires the sellers and vendors of the bazaar about what they are selling which brings out the grandeur of the traditional Indian bazaars. It also adds a special charm to the lyrics of the poem.
The poet has used vibrant rhymes to describe the magnificence of the bazaars and the products sold.
It also adds life to her descriptions. Examples of the rhyming words are ‘brocade-jade’, ‘rice-spice-dice’, ring-wing-king’, ‘red-bed-dead’ and many more.
Lyrical poetry is a form of poetry that expresses personal and emotional feelings of the poet. In The Bazaars of Hyderabad is a lyrical poem. It celebrates the life depicted in the bazaars of Hyderabad, the occupation of the common folk, their joys and sorrows of everyday life.
The poet has used various kinds of imagery to enhance the vibrancy of the bazaars of Hyderabad.
Sarojini Naidu has touched upon all the five senses of the human body to describe the splendor of the Indian traditional bazaar.
Visual imagery is depicted by the use of vibrant colors- silver, crimson, purple, amber, blue, azure, red and white. Olfactory senses are stimulated by the use of the fragrances-sandalwood, henna and the smell of flowers. Auditory imagery is created through the music played by the sitar, the sarangi and the drums. Also the chanting of the magical spells by the magicians produces an auditory image in the minds of the readers. Gustatory imagery that is the sense of taste is created through the portrayal of the fruits like lemons, pomegranates and plums, staple Indian food lentils and rice.
Finally, the tactile imagery which is the sense of touch produced by the bells made for the pigeons.
A simile is a figure of speech in which two dissimilar objects are compared and the comparison is made clear by the use of terms like ‘like’, ‘such as’ and so on. Here, in In The Bazaars of Hyderabad, ‘frail as a dragon-fly’s wing’ is a fine example of simile. The bells of made for the feet of the pigeons are compared with the delicate wings of a dragon-fly.
Sarojini Naidu has used repetition by repeatedly asking questions in every stanza about the different kinds of goods sold in the bazaars.
What do you sell, o ye merchants?
What do you weigh, o ye vendors?
The poet has captured the vividness of the culture of Hyderabad, a city which is a meeting point of both Hindu and Islamic cultures. The bazaars of the city are full of colorful objects, various sounds and of diverse shapes. The goods sold out there are meant for both the upper and the lower classes. Therefore, by using various poetical devices and especially the use of imagery has successfully allowed the poet to paint a panoramic picture of the colors, sounds, smells of a typical Indian bazaar.
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haha nice vun mate!
lovin’ it
justify the poem is a celebration of vibrants and colors
Thanks for helping me very helpful page