Television: Critical Analysis<
May 7, 2016 by Website Contributors
Television: Critical Analysis

The tone of this poem is contrary to what has led the poet to pen his thoughts here. Television: Critical Analysis Dahl is a man who lived through a period of a great many inventions, including that of television. However, he is not excited by this so-called progress and development of the human race. He… Continue reading Television: Critical Analysis

Critical Analysis of A Noiseless Patient Spider by Walt Whitman<
May 4, 2016 by Website Contributors
Critical Analysis of A Noiseless Patient Spider by Walt Whitman

  Critical Analysis of A Noiseless Patient Spider The poem can be read in a number of ways resulting in a number of interpretations. However, this is not what is unique to this poem. What is unique to this poem is its overlapping levels and literary devices. The poem is at once a poem describing… Continue reading Critical Analysis of A Noiseless Patient Spider by Walt Whitman

Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night Analysis<
May 2, 2016 by Website Contributors
Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night Analysis

Though the poem has a very personal edge to it, Do Not Go Gentle In to That Good Night by Dylan Thomas, is a poem that is applicable to every single human being. It addresses one of the most macabre, yet inevitable truths of life, death. Man’s usual approach towards life is to go with… Continue reading Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night Analysis

April 28, 2016 by Website Contributors
A Photograph: Critical Analysis

This poem seems to be a simple one at its surface, but it is certain that it has risen out of very complex emotions. There is the bitterness of loss, the sweet memories of the past, the realization of the Brevity of human life, and the inability to justify death. A Photograph: Critical Analysis The… Continue reading A Photograph: Critical Analysis

April 24, 2016 by Website Contributors
Critical Analysis of Those Winter Sundays by Robert Hayden

Critical Analysis of Those Winter Sundays Those Winter Sundays” is a short lyric in which the speaker remembers a moment in his childhood and contemplates about the sacrifices his father made for him then. This fragmentedviewpoint of the poem delivers its power, for the poem’s meaning depends upon the alterations between what the boy knew… Continue reading Critical Analysis of Those Winter Sundays by Robert Hayden

April 22, 2016 by Website Contributors
Central Idea, Theme and Tone of Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers by Adrienne Rich

Central Idea of the Poem The central idea of the poem “Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers” by Adrienne Rich is how the power of the patriarchy controls women’s forms but not their minds. The poem makes this point by presenting the wild, interesting, powerful tigers embroidered by Aunt Jennifer and contrasting them with Aunt Jennifer herself. The… Continue reading Central Idea, Theme and Tone of Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers by Adrienne Rich

April 16, 2016 by Website Contributors
Critical Analysis of A Small Pain in My Chest by Michael Mack

Critical Analysis of A Small Pain in My Chest ‘A Small Pain in my Chest’ is Michael Mack’s lyrical cry over the Vietnam War and the uncountable lives it claimed of innocent young soldiers. This poem does not have any vitriolic hatred spewing on paper, but a silent mourning over the loss of humanity which… Continue reading Critical Analysis of A Small Pain in My Chest by Michael Mack

April 12, 2016 by Website Contributors
Critical Analysis of A Thing of Beauty by John Keats 2022

A Thing of Beauty: Critical Analysis  The poem “A Thing of Beauty” received contemptuous criticism after its release and Keats himself noted its rambling and unpleasant style. On the other hand, he did not regret writing it, as he equated the process to diving into the ocean to become more accustomed to his surroundings. Keats… Continue reading Critical Analysis of A Thing of Beauty by John Keats 2022

April 9, 2016 by Website Contributors
Solitary Reaper: Critical Analysis

It’s difficult to imagine Wordsworth’s poetry without connotations of nature and natural life. Solitary Reaper: Critical Analysis The poem is a picture of rustic life and its poignant beauty. The speaker recounts his experience of chancing upon a humming maiden who was reaping crops alone. It strikes one as uncommon. It begs the question, why… Continue reading Solitary Reaper: Critical Analysis

Theme, Tone and Central Idea of Song of the Rain by Khalil Gibran<
April 2, 2016 by Website Contributors
Theme, Tone and Central Idea of Song of the Rain by Khalil Gibran

In this article, we are highlighting the theme of the poem Song of the Rain– a poem written by Khalil Gibran. While the central idea of the poem reflects the primary theme, one can still capture the various other themes that the poet wanted to convey after a thorough read. Central Idea of the Poem… Continue reading Theme, Tone and Central Idea of Song of the Rain by Khalil Gibran