About the Poet: Pablo Neruda was not born with the name which is imprinted across his poetry collections now. He was born as Neftalí Ricardo Reyes Basoalto in a Chilean household and he took up the pen name of Pablo Neruda inspired by his inspiration, the Czech writer Jan Neruda when he took to… Continue reading A Short Introduction and Meaning of Keeping Quiet: 2022
Keeping Quiet by Pablo Neruda is a powerful piece of poetry penned by the poet in favor of peace, humanity, and self-actualization. Keeping Quiet: Analysis We live in troubled times these days in which our utilitarian take on life has not just divorced us from fellow human beings but also from our own selves. We… Continue reading Keeping Quiet: Analysis, Central Idea, and Theme: 2023
Keeping Quiet is an eloquent piece on peace, humanity, and brotherhood by Pablo Neruda, which is explosive as it is quiet. In a very calm fashion, Neruda leaves us with a world of wisdom in the poem. His calmness is cleverly poised because Neruda figured that staunch activism was not the aptest way to get… Continue reading Keeping Quiet: Summary: 2022
About Ozymandias: The great sonnet was published on 11th January 1818 on page 24 of number 524 of Leigh Hunt’s ‘The Examiner’. It had apparently been written barely two weeks earlier. The occasion of its composition is now well known. At his house near Marlowe on Saturday 27 December 1817, the day after Boxing Day, Shelley… Continue reading Annotation and Poetic Devices of Ozymandias by Shelley: 2022
About the poet: Percy Bysshe Shelly was born in 1792 to a Tory Squire who went up to Oxford only to be expelled in 1811 for bringing out the pamphlet on The Necessity of Islam. After his disastrous first marriage, he found a soul mate in Mary Shelley. He died by the element he liked… Continue reading Central Idea and Theme of Ozymandias by Shelley: 2022
Introduction to Ozymandias: The great sonnet was published on 11th January 1818 on page 24 of number 524 of Leigh Hunt’s ‘The Examiner’. It had apparently been written barely two weeks earlier. The occasion of its composition is now well known. At his house near Marlowe on Saturday 27 December 1817, the day after Boxing Day,… Continue reading Critical Analysis of Ozymandias by Shelley: 2022
Percy Bysshe Shelley- Born in Field Place, near Horsham, Sussex in 1792, Percy Bysshe Shelley belongs to that class of Romantic poets who is regarded not merely as a poet but also as a visionary, an anarchist, a man who believed in revolution. At twelve years of age, he entered a preparatory school at Eton. He… Continue reading Hymn to the Intellectual Beauty Summary and Analysis by P B Shelley: 2022
This analysis of Robert Burns’ “Sweet Afton” is divided into three sections – context, rhyme scheme and rhetorical devices, and themes. Context: This poem was probably written by Robert Burns in 1789. That year, 0n 5th February, the poet is said to have sent a copy of this poem to Mrs Dunlop with the comment, “There is a… Continue reading Sweet Afton Analysis by Robert Burns
This poem summary focuses on the poem ‘Your Laughter’ by Chilean poet Pablo Neruda. Neruda’s love poems are some of the most touching works ever written, and ‘Your laughter’ is no exception. This poem consists of six stanzas, each made up of varying numbers of lines. The first stanza consists of just three lines, but… Continue reading Summary of Your Laughter by Pablo Neruda
This poem analysis of Pablo Neruda’s poem ‘Your Laughter’ is divided into three parts – context, rhyme scheme and rhetorical devices, and deeper significance. Context: ‘Your Laughter’ was published as part of a collection of poetry by Neruda entitled The Captain’s Verses, which was published in the year 1972. This shows that ‘Your laughter’ was… Continue reading Analysis of Your Laughter by Pablo Neruda