From the very first line, the poem proposes to do what its title “A Valediction of Weeping” evinces; Donne composed this piece as a valedictory note of absence from his wife owing to travel abroad. The poem is centred on the narrator’s central thematic entreaty of taking stride in this temporary leave-taking, rather than indulging… Continue reading A Valediction Of Weeping Analysis by John Donne: 2022
John Milton is one of the best-known English poets of the Romantic era, a period where poetry was about the personification of nature, and a new movement of aesthetics was evolved. John Milton is known for some of his best poems, like Daffodils. How Soon Hath Time: Summary Here, I am going to look upon… Continue reading How Soon Hath Time: Summary: 2022
Context: John Milton is one of the best English poets that history has ever seen. He writes this sonnet on his 23rd birthday, and speaks about his disappointment with himself, his stature, ad failure in life. This sonnet was introspection about his age and how meaningless his life has become. He says that his age… Continue reading How Soon Hath Time Analysis by John Milton: 2022
First and foremost, this poem is about the poetry of the earth. This ‘poetry’ that Keats talks about can be read variously. The Poet of Earth: Analysis Literally speaking, the poetry of earth indicates the various sounds found in the natural world, be it the calls of birds or beasts or insects. These natural sounds… Continue reading The Poetry of Earth: Analysis
The poem is a sonnet by John Keats. The poem was composed in the December of 1816 when the poet was twenty-one years of age. It was published posthumously in ‘The Poetical Works of John Keats’ in 1884. About the Poet: John Keats (1795–1821) was one of the leading figures in the second-generation Romantic poets.… Continue reading The Poetry of Earth: Summary
This poem summary focuses on the poem ‘Birds of Passage’ by H. W. Longfellow. Longfellow was a lover of nature, and his poetry is best known for their descriptions of nature. In nature, Longfellow finds an analogue of human experiences, and this is exactly what ‘Birds of passage’ is all about. The poem itself is… Continue reading Birds of Passage Summary by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
This poem summary focuses on the poem ‘The Sound of the Sea’ by H. W. Longfellow. Longfellow was a lover of nature, and he is best-known for the nature descriptions in his poetry. Nature for him encapsulates everything that human life ought to be. He believes that man should follow the rhythms of nature if… Continue reading The Sound of the Sea Summary by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
This poem analysis of H. W. Longfellow’s ‘Birds of Passage’ is divided into three parts – context, rhyme scheme, and Longfellow’s view of poetry. Context: This part of the poem analysis focuses on the context in which ‘Birds of Passage’ was published. An investigation of this nature will also explain why the subtitle of this… Continue reading Birds of Passage Analysis by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
This poem analysis of H. W. Longfellow’s ‘Drinking Song’ is divided into four parts – rhyme scheme, subtitle, Greek and Roman references, and deeper significance. Rhyme Scheme: Longfellow is known for his use of simple rhyme schemes, and ‘Drinking Song’ is no exception to this. The pattern he follows in each stanza is the same,… Continue reading Drinking Song Analysis by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
This poem summary focuses on the poem ‘Drinking Song’ by H. W. Longfellow. This poem is simple enough, but it is filled with Greek and Roman references, all of which are not easily followed. It looks back to a time when religion was less strict than it is now, and when the gods themselves indulged… Continue reading Drinking Song Summary by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow