“On The Beach At Night” is written by the American poet Walt Whitman. He was not only a poet but also an essayist and a journalist. He was born on May 31st, West His, New York, in 1819. He was a part of the transition between transcendentalism and realism, incorporating both views in his works.… Continue reading On The Beach at Night Alone: Analysis: 2022
INTRODUCTION TO WALT WHITMAN- Born on 31 May in the year 1819, Walt Whitman is considered among one of the most important poets of the American literature. Whitman’s works are based on varying genres with no particular genre being too favored. I HEAR AMERICA SINGING- “I Hear America Singing” by Walt Whitman can be considered as… Continue reading Summary and analysis of I Hear America Singing by Walt Whitman: 2022
The Hand Mirror is a perceptive poem by Walt Whitman. In this poem, the narrator discusses about a reflection (possibly his own) in a hand held mirror. Alternately, he could be asking the reader to look at his own reflection in the mirror. However, the first option is more plausible in this case. There are two… Continue reading A Hand Mirror Summary and Analysis: 2022
This is a short poem of seven lines written by Walt Whitman. Despite its brevity, it makes an interesting point. However, once we move beyond the poem’s surface and examine its background, it offers us a profound view into Walt Whitman’s personal life. The first section will deal with the poem as seen from the… Continue reading Analysis and Summary of Once I Pass’d Through a Populous City: 2022
Walt Whitman (1819-1892) was an American poet, essayist and journalist. He was one of the influential poets of American literature and was considered as father of free verse. ‘Leaves of Grass’ is one of his most famous works which stirred up controversy regarding its overt sexual content. In “Voice of the Rain”, Walt Whitman composes… Continue reading Summary and Analysis of Voice of the Rain by Walt Whitman