The Night of the Scorpion: Summary First stanza:The poem started with the reminiscence of a terrible event in the childhood of the poet when his mother was stung by a scorpion. This incident, in retrospect, brings forth the poet’s gall of criticism against the irrationality of the average uneducated person. The poet brings out the… Continue reading The Night of the Scorpion: Summary: 2022
The poem was anthologized in Collected Poems (1952 – 1988). It is one of the first poems of Ezekiel and presents a scary picture of the superstition ridden India where an insect is given monstrous dimensions. It carries Ezekiel’s stingiest of satires against the many maladies that affect the Indian society. Not to mention it… Continue reading A Short Introduction and Meaning of The Night of the Scorpion: 2022
The Professor: Analysis This poem is written in the form of a monologue. This means that there is only a single speaker in the poem, and he speaks to someone who listens to him silently, never once responding to his comments or queries with any words. Here it is only Professor Sheth who speaks and… Continue reading The Professor: Analysis: 2022
About the poet: Nissim Ezekiel is known as the father of post-independence Indian-English verse. He is the one who started modernity in Indian-English poetry. His simple, conversational style has influenced many later Indian English poets. Poet, dramatist, editor, as well as art-critic, Nissim Ezekiel was born on 14th December 1924 in Mumbai. His father, Moses… Continue reading Summary of The Professor by Nissim Ezekiel: 2022
Enterprise: Analysis Every single element that the pilgrims encountered on their journey in this poem symbolizes something else. The sun symbolizations all the obstacles put up by nature in man’s path. The desert symbolizes all the issues because man discriminates against others of his kind, especially religious differences. The shadow that falls on the pilgrims… Continue reading Enterprise: Analysis: 2022
About the poet: Nissim Ezekiel is known as the father of post-independence Indian-English verse. He is the one who started modernity in Indian-English poetry. His simple, conversational style has influenced many later Indian English poets. Poet, dramatist, editor, as well as art-critic, Nissim Ezekiel was born on 14th December 1924 in Mumbai. The Ezekiels belonged… Continue reading Summary of Enterprise by Nissim Ezekiel: 2022