The poem ‘On Killing a Tree’ was one of the poems of his poetry collection named ‘Poems’ published in 1966. This collection was launched by Nissim Ezekiel. Most of Patel’s poems center on the human body. ‘On Killing a Tree,’ too, is one such poem. About the Poet: Gieve Patel (born on 18th August 1940)… Continue reading On Killing a Tree: Summary and Analysis: 2023
Once Upon A Time is about a father teaching his son regarding the dangers of fake friends and how times have changed. This infers that it used to happen by the use of the word ‘now’ because it shows that in the present tense, it doesn’t happen anymore because they’ve grown up. The poet also… Continue reading Once Upon A Time: Critical Analysis: 2022
Critical Analysis of Wander Thirst: In this poem, the poet speaks about his love for travel in general. This is a sentiment that most of us readers can relate to. However, the world he wants to travel belongs to an earlier time than the present. It is a world of porous borders. As we know,… Continue reading Analysis, Central Idea and Theme of Wander Thirst by Gerald Gould: 2022
This poem is primarily about the urge to travel and explore every corner of the earth. However, as we will see, it also has a ‘carpe diem’ (meaning ‘seize the day’ theme). Life is a journey for the poet, and he asserts that we must continue on this journey at all times so that no… Continue reading Wander Thirst: Summary: 2022
About Gerard Manley Hopkins: Gerard Manley Hopkins is considered to be one of the greatest poets of the Victorian era. Born in 1844, Hopkins was the eldest of the nine children of Manley Hopkins. Hopkins went on to become a poet, a Jesuit Priest and a Professor of Classics. The main themes of his poems… Continue reading Summary and Analysis of As Kingfishers Catch Fire by G. M. Hopkins: 2022
Gerard Manley Hopkins- The Victorian poet, Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844-1889) got himself established in the realm of literature posthumously. His fame lies as an English poet, a Catholic and a Jesuit priest. The innovative writer was known for his experimentation with verse and invention of sprung rhythm. Through manipulation of prosody and use of imagery, Hopkins created… Continue reading Summary and Analysis of Felix Randal by G.M Hopkins: 2022
Gerard Manley Hopkins- Gerard Manley Hopkins was born in 1844. He wrote prolifically on nature and religion. His mother was devout of the Church of England and was well-read in medicine. She had an impact on her eldest son. The poet’s inclination towards religious texts was also due to the reading of religious texts since childhood.… Continue reading The Soldier Summary and Analysis by G.M Hopkins: 2022
G M Hopkins- Gerard Manley Hopkins, born on 28 July 1844 in Stratford, Essex, England, is regarded as one of the greatest poets of the Victorian era. Hopkins is known for his poetry concerning religion and the nature as major themes and the notion melancholy has been expressed in his major works. Carrion Comfort- “Carrion Comfort”… Continue reading Carrion Comfort Summary and Analysis by G.M Hopkins: 2022
Pied Beauty is one of the most anthologized poems of G.M Hopkins not only because of the palpable strain of Hopkins’ exquisite religious fervor that vitalizes the poem but also because of Hopkins’ visible efforts in this piece to usher modernity in. The element of worship in Pied Beauty is derived by establishing a paternal… Continue reading Analysis of Pied Beauty as a Modern Hymn
Pied Beauty is one of the most anthologized poems of G.M Hopkins not only because of the palpable strain of Hopkins’ exquisite religious fervor that vitalizes the poem but also because of Hopkins’ visible efforts in this piece to usher modernity in. A critical appreciation of this dynamic piece should be attempted on two levels… Continue reading Pied Beauty Analysis by G.M Hopkins