Small Pain in My Chest by Michael Mack was read over to 5000 people, at the funeral of the first Blackhawk helicopter pilot, who was shot down in Iraq. It is also read at the Vietnam Veterans meetings. The poem shows the pain suffered by the soldiers in a war. It also portrays the human… Continue reading Analysis of Small Pain in My Chest by Michael Mack
The title of A Psalm of Life is an appropriate one. A psalm is an invocation to mankind to follow the path of the righteousness. Here, the speaker advises people to be heroes in their lives. He asks them to lie in the present, without thinking about the past or the future. A poem teaching… Continue reading Analysis of A Psalm of Life by H.W Longfellow
Small Pain in My Chest by Michael Mack was read over to 5000 people, at the funeral of the first Blackhawk helicopter pilot, who was shot down in Iraq. It is also read at the Vietnam Veterans meetings. The poem shows the pain suffered by the soldiers in a war. It also portrays the human… Continue reading Summary of Small Pain in My Chest by Michael Mack
Inchcape Rock is a popular poem by Robert Southey about the Inchcape Rock Legend, a reef which is situated in the North Sea, close to the coastal region of Angus in Scotland. The Inchcape Rock is known for its infamy as causation for shipwreck. This poem by Robert Southey revolves around the famous folktale of… Continue reading Summary of The Inchcape Rock by Robert Southey
A Psalm of Life, a lyric of religious emotion was published in October of 1838. This poem is taken from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s first volume of poems. A ‘psalm’ is a sacred song, an invocation to mankind to follow the path of righteousness. A Psalm of Life is a blow to the pessimistic attitude of… Continue reading Summary of A Psalm Of Life by H.W Longfellow
About the author – Born in 1856 in a well known westernized family, Dutt had the advantages of education and happy family which proved to be crucial to her development as an artist. Accredited with collection of poems like A Sheaf Gleaned in French Fields (1875), and Ancient Ballads and Legends of Hindustan (1882), she could… Continue reading Analysis of Our Casuraina Tree
About the poet –Poet, playwright, novelist, traveller James Falconer Kirkup (23 April 1918 – 10 May 2009) started his poetic career with short verses, haikus and tankas, went to become a prolific writer in the English literature. He became a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature in 1962. Though less canonised in the British… Continue reading Summary and Analysis of No Men are Foreign by James Kirkup
Henry Louis Vivian Derozio (18 April 1809 – 26 December 1831), poet, radical thinker, educator, social reformist, founder of the Young Bengal group, was born in India, Kolkata, to Portuguese parents. Known to write brilliant sonnets, he was a renowned scholar in many disciplines, including languages. He regarded himself as an Indian, and this poem… Continue reading To India – My Native Land: Summary and Analysis
This is a lesser-known short poem of Eliot published in Collected Poems 1909-1962. To the Indian Who Died in Africa: About the Poet The more one tries to say about T.S. Eliot, the more one fumbles for adjectives to describe the prodigious genius. Thomas Stearns Eliot (1888 – 1965) was born in America (St. Louis)… Continue reading To the Indian Who Died in Africa: Analysis
The Professor is noted for its expression of the Indian attitude. Indians are proud of their proficiency in English but they are never bothered about the fact that their Indian English is far from the Native English. STYLE AND FORM: The Professor is both a conversational poem as well as a satirical poem.… Continue reading Analysis of The Professor by Nissim Ezekiel